

Investigators have been able to save many hours and considerable costs by using EyeDetect in their investigations

Welcome. If you want to conduct your own lie detector testing as an additional service to your clients or to use in your own investigations you’ve come to the right place. EyeDetect is widely being used for all issues including infidelity/cheating/trust issues, theft, fraud, insurance fraud and scams, arson, sexual assault, allegations of sexual abuse and various other matters. You can use any of the thousands of already prepared question templates or make up your own according to your specific requirements and case facts. It’s simple and easy.

The 5 Steps of an EyeDetect Test

The person being tested sits in front of an EyeDetect Station, which is a computer with an eye-tracking camera mounted beneath the monitor. The eye tracker is calibrated to monitor involuntary eye behaviours.

The person answers a series of true/false questions for 20-30 minutes.

The question responses, along with pupil changes and other eye behaviours, are measured and stored on a secure, encrypted device.

At the conclusion of the test, the eye measurements and test responses are uploaded to a secure cloud server and analysed by proprietary algorithms.

A report is generated within 5 minutes and a Credibility Score indicates whether the person is truthful or deceptive to the questions asked. That’s it and you’re done. No complicated analysis and a report is generated and provided immediately via pdf format. Easy.

Features and Benefits

Highly Accurate

Field studies show that EyeDetect has an accuracy range up to 88% depending on the test administered.

Fast Results

Tests take 20 to 30 minutes and reports are ready in less than 5 minutes. Reports include a credibility score and details showing participants’ responses to questions.


No sensors are attached to the participant, who answers True/False questions on a computer.


Test administrators are trained in 2 hours and can manage up to 3 EyeDetect stations simultaneously.

Simple to Use

The participant follows onscreen instructions. A practice session helps to get comfortable with the test.


During an average eight-hour workday, one test proctor can run several tests daily to quickly screen many people with great results.

Incorruptible & Unbiased

Participants are tested by computer. The test administrator cannot alter test results. Test data is encrypted and tamper-proof.

Bank-Level Security

EyeDetect uses encryption and physical security that banks use. Data is encrypted and stored using military grade 256-bit AES / CBC mode encryption.

Complete Analytics & Reporting

Those authorised access test results via web browser. Results can be sorted by date, department, test type, credibility score and more.

Flexible & Portable

One or more systems can be used at a time. The system is portable and can be carried to a regional or remote office for testing.

To get started click here